Thursday, February 14, 2013

Feb. 14th, 2013
Wine brings people together

This past weekend we had our Annual Mushroom Foray. This sold out event requires full participation from the guests and this year’s attendees were a fine example.

This event is attended mostly by couples, although once the group begins the foraging, everyone seems to find a new friend to share their findings with on the forest floor.

As time rolls on, guests who have foraged to their hearts content stroll back to the lodge for the second stage of the day, wine tasting, hors’ duerves, a roaring fire place and some good conversation or craic.  The returning guests arrive sporadically over a 30 – 40 minute period in random groups, with a common bond of enough of the out and ready for the Inn.

Conversations continue from the outdoors in, trials and tribulations of mushrooming or even not, what else do we have in common. This year’s conversations unveiled not just one but two groups of strangers that discovered a mutual overlap of teenage schooling. Yes, they had been to the same school, had common friends and even reminisced school songs.

It’s always a joy to have great people in a group that come together for a mutual interest like this but it’s even more special when pasts and futures meet and memories are shared and friendships restored.

Wine is something to enjoy and share with friends new and old and Paul Mathew Vineyards Events offers a great environment to do so.


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